Free Challenges

Upcoming Challenge:
Hydration Challenge
Beginning February 1st, Lean Wellness will be offering our Hydration Challenge. The goal of this challenge is to drink 8 glasses of water a day and participants can follow along by printing out our Hydration Chart. As you drink a glass of water, mark it on the hydration chart and track your progress.
All participants will be entered to win a Fitbit Inspire 2. To be entered to win, participants will post a photo participating in the Hydration Challenge and tag the picture on Facebook using #leanhydration. Each picture (one per day) will count as an entry and Lean Wellness will draw a winner at the end of the month.

Free Wellness Challenges:
Healthy Selfie
Runs through spring. While performing a healthy activity (riding a bike, eating an apple, etc.), participants can take a selfie and post it using #leanhealthyselfie to be entered to win a prize.
Lean Squat Challenge
Runs through summer. Lean Wellness will provide a 31 Day Summer Squat Challenge Calendar. Squats begin at 30 squats per day and progress to 150 squats per day. Participants can post a picture of their squat using #LeanSquatChallenge to be entered to win a prize.
Planksgiving Challenge
Runs through fall. Each day during November, participants will plank and give thanks following our Planksgiving Calendar. Planksgiving will begin with a 30 second plank and progress to a three minute plank. All participants who post a photo using #leanplanksgiving will be entered to win a prize.